Saturday, May 9, 2009

On the matter of the past

Ah yes.

I forgot.

IIUM debate.

Time to come clean.

Well, it's not that extreme. Just I feel like blogging about it.

Let's start off with the most obvious point:


it's never happened before, but lady luck dictates.

Poor IIUM people were scurrying around doing damage control.

now we move to the day by day chronicling :D

1st day
-long sleepy intro talk; slept then to replenish energy
-insistent LEO people calling (that was my fault though); problem was solved
-won both rounds of that day (1st round trashing[uniforms were a practical rehearsed topic thanks to wira]; 2nd round harder but was clear win)
-stomach still in good health because didn't go to banquet (thank the gods wherever they may be)

2nd day
-won 2, lost 1, final round was silent and left us worried (we lost the humor round, confound it)
-john was there for half the day and gave the judge that gave the win to the other team a poor score(didn't affect the poor man much since he was judging in the finals)
-quite snappish during the last prep round due to fatigue
-reached home at 12.30
-stomach had horrible adverse reaction 3 times in the middle of the night; clear signs o' diarrhea.

3rd day
-we broke 10th place and may have had to go against our sister(nay brother; they're mostly guys)team, but there was a miscalculation and we were re-ranked 11th(other team no change)
-got charcoal pill from Pn Angie and water retention pill from John. Siew and El found a quiet place for me(with diarrhea) and Daniel(high fever) to sleep till next round(at 2)
-unfortunately both teams lost at octo :(
-no worries. Cam hogged in the classroom afterward.

shit happens. But.

I don't regret it. seriously.

even though the school's not paying back my cash and I got scolded at by the LEO people.


This is one of the best experiences I had.

it took the form 5 team to break 10th.

this year it took a form 4 team.

I see a bright future. No matter what anyone says about winning everything.

So. that's that.

all you people
who believe that winning is everything
go f*&^ off
cause you don't know the true meaning
of experience.

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