Sunday, April 5, 2009

We lost, and we won.

KDU has been a great experience.

For starters, it seems I make a not-bad third speaker. Good enough to be shortlisted as the 12 top for the prelim rounds 1-3. The prank the head adjudicator played was damn scary though. (CA: these few names that have been called has been receiving complaints from the judges. We will be shortening your time from 7 minutes to 5..............JUST KIDDING. PRESENTING THE BEST SPEAKERS FROM YESTERDAY'S PRELIM ROUNDS! XD" Me, Soph, El, and the other speakers up there: "O_o WTF?! Belated April Fools is it?')

My team (Me, Elena, Marc, Abhi, and on the last day Daniel) managed to win 3 out of our 4 rounds. We didn't have enough points to break though. So we played audience to Soph, Keefe and Siew as they debated.

It was fun to watch instead of having to worry so much about what to debate on.

In the end, we managed to get to the finals.

Then we lost and got 1st runner up & Soph got best speaker (Congrats, Soph :)

Through thick and thin, I think that it was an experience that I wouldn't have missed out of. I learned many valuable things in debate.

I learned that:
a) John and the senior debaters may not be as law abiding as I thought them to be (nuff said)

b) Soph gets over losses by thinking of hot guys (like the judge in KDU)

c) Siew can be just as blood thirsty as me (N. *^%&%%&^ , BEWARE. WE KNOW WHERE YOU TEACH :P)

d) Marc can actually be taught new things (no offense and just joking, don't hyperventilate)

e) not as annoying as before. (O_o when did i notice?!)

f) Elena......cracks a lot of buttock jokes (too many I can't list them down. And they say she's a 'high level Christian')

This may all be some funny facts that can get me killed. But seriously. You guys rock. And I'm glad I went through that short period of WIRA and KDU with you guys. Even though Audrey's mom speculates that this year seems somewhat cursed (we lost the title for WIRA, KDU and Choral Speaking so far) I think I still wouldn't have changed it for the world.

Though now, we have to see whether there's space for IIUM. Damn HELP for not accepting another team (glares at organizers).

Let's look forward and hope we can create a debating club. (that has left to be seen, but it is a goal I believe we want to strive towards)

it is the little joys in life that brightens up the day.
I no longer feel that much of an urge to kill anymore :)


Andrew Loh said...

Tell your teacher asap:

Hi All,

As of now we have received registration for approximately 150 teams (English and BM category together) and yesterday was the last day to register. But in any case, if there still any school interested to send teams, please let me know quickly, I can try to accommodate.

And to all university debaters and trainers, please let me know if you are available to adjudicate some of the rounds on (Saturday-Tuesday: 25th – 28th April). Of course, we need as many judges as possible.



International Islamic University Malaysia

Sophia Aliza said...

I love you leannza!:)