Sunday, August 3, 2008

Reality 4# This blog is sorely neglected -_-|||

This is a once-in-a-while update that more likely happens once in a blue moon.

Well, that's a bit exaggerated but you get the point.

I wonder how some people manage to blog so much. Do their parents let them go online everyday?! Some people have already graduated that I know, but right now I'm referring to all my pals at school.


At best my mom only lets me go online during the weekends, not to mention I prefer using the time to watch my favorite anime. So updates are scarce and rare. Sigh, there has to be some recipe of success for how to manage blogging in under six minutes.

Anyways, a condensation of this past few weeks:

a) I'm now the vice-president of the entire librarian board of 08/09 :)

b) My short story got accepted into the Star.

c) Exams are looming closer in a very dangerous manner (dying here)

d) I got installed for Leo.......and missed librarian high tea :(

e) Pn Ruth has no idea how to distinguish between good news and bad news

f) For a person that complained about being a slave, Nigel sure returns to the library a lot.

g) Neal's huge ego is going to be missed (Neal, if you see this it is NOT a compliment)

h) Jian Nee...... Well at least you went into the pool in the end.

Tis all. Maybe you can expect a dream chronicle to appear today......If I decide to take my time and write it.

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