Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dream 1# Amazing people (the answers of the world)

There are many amazing people in this world. So many that they are uncountable. It could be the guy next door, Benjamin Franklin, your aunt, or even a helpful stranger you happen to come across. Yet, only some of these amazing people are lucky enough to become household names.

So how does the amazing stand out for the amazing?

And how does the ordinary become the amazing?

The usual answer to this type of question - learn.

But learn what?

The first idea: learn the knowledge of the world.
But many people hold that upon their shoulders.

Learn what then?

Next possible answer: Learn skills related to communication. Interaction, speech...
But the gift of gab is common as well.

If that is not the answer, what is then?


But...There are many that are learning to do so as well. And even when trying to be different, normalities will definitely start to seep in (Humans can't stand re-using a good idea). Old patterns, old work plans - if these things appear, then 'different', will still hold a remnant of the past. Even then, when you are truly different, the people may not receive.

Is difference really and truly something hard to come across?

Is it something that will appear once in a blue moon?

Is it really something that hard to do?

Those questions I can't answer.

There are many questions in this world, and not all of them have answers. This may be one of them.

In the end, this world is also a question.

What if the world as we know it is all an illusion? What if the knowledge we hold is all a lie? What is the real honest truth? True justice?

Maybe in the end, there is no answer.

And I - a minuscule piece of the huge jigsaw puzzle, has not yet seen enough to truly understand it all.


Kelly said...

hey po...

u hav just been tagged!!!

visit my blog...

legin said...

hmm,who's blog is this that i've stumbled upon?