School debate and honor running on the line. Check 2.
Quartermaster and LEO IU deco. Check 3.
School exams in exactly 2 weeks and have not yet started studying. Check 4.
put all checks together and you have only one answer.
Sure some people have LOTS of problems, but still. Let me take a moment to hyperventilate (a bombastic word for 'panic' :)
Alright, moment over.
Back to other things.
First, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. (singles let us all huddle in despair. not that i care)
Camp has been going better. The lady working with us has given us a much lower quotation, but still not low enough. We hope we can limbo a bit lower. That way I won't be having angry parents asking why the F$%# camp's are so expensive :)
MPS. Second meeting was held. Happy with some. OK with some. Quiet with some. Worried with some. (kelly n ghee ken -_-......i am watching you........)
debate.......nothing much I can say. Only that it's HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL UNTIL WE WIN. (that's how certain we are)
I've heard the winds blowing of librarian politics all over again. *sighs dramatically* people, this time, kill each other all you want, just get your work done. I HAVE NO TIME. Dunno whether it'll really get any worse, but a warning still.
Overall it's been an eventful and exciting week. Skipping classes, talking trash, and getting a jaw ache (it's still not gone O_o is it an infection?). Plus losing my RUMUSAN book and sleeping at 1am.
Okay, maybe NOT such a good week.
People, good luck understanding Pn. Sow's add math.
Jia Yun, I need to get a homework book for you to write in.
hi nigel.
happy valentine's everyone.
and someone help me with my HTMLs.
happy valentine's everyone.
and someone help me with my HTMLs.