Thursday, June 4, 2009

2nd Malaysian Habit O_o

Now, we know our race. Our Malaysian breed. Let's say we have many tricks up our sleeves. Many that even I don't know whether they help us or kill us.

Notably though, is the Malaysian sense of driving.

Maybe it was the weather, but on the Friday of the 1st Exam week something went terribly wrong with the heads of the parent-cum-chauffeurs and hired private vans.

They lost the ability to understand TRAFFIC LIGHTS.


The traffic light only has three colored lights. Red, green, and yellow (not in order).

Somehow, after years (or maybe just a few months) of driving and passing their driving license exams, knowledge seems to have flown out the window completely.

In their eyes:

Red = 'go'

Yellow='speed up'

Green = well, still 'go'

We all know the proper meanings, don't lie. But we also have the fantastic idea that it's fine not to pay a single bit of notice to the original rule.

Truly MALAYSIAN, isn't it? Like our habit not to read manuals (what does this button do?)

In the end, the only thing that happened was huge congestion and the possibility for a pedestrian student to get rammed down.

Cue case, 'mua. I got caught between a car that was not suppose to move and one that was suppose to move.

Luckily I came out unscathed.

But this is a nice way to teach kids how to respect the traffic isn't it?

'Son, make your own rules on the road. BEAT THE TRAFFIC LIGHT.'

Thank you, adults, for that wonderful, eye-opening lesson.

So you don't mind if I run that red light now?

parents these days

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