Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Small Narrow World

For the first time in a long row of nights, I'm actually feeling sleepy on a Saturday night that I get to use to computer till the late hours of dawn.

And I took an afternoon nap for 2 hours too.

Trying to blog when you are closing to half-asleep is a bit like trying to push through a fog. You can see, but you can't see; you can think, but you can't think-kind of feel.

I wonder how people can think of stuff to blog about at close to every single day of your lives. After all, most days in your life compromise of boring, generic stuff.

For example:

'at 2 in the afternoon I MET Q. SO HOT :3 Hope he invites me to dinner, but he didn't today. Sigh :( He's so hot XD


And not just one day. EVERY DAY of this same kind of gushy material.

Now that's a royal bore.

Everything can be a royal bore actually.

For example: I'm finding the internet a royal bore because i have nothing i want to do on the net. And they say the net is suppose to be the 'World-Wide-Web', which brings to mind having lots of stuff to do, after all it's 'World-Wide'.

But then people restrict themselves on what to read and what to d0 on the net based on their own preferences.

So a door that may seem infinitesmally wide will somehow or the other shrink to the size of a cat door because of the amount of brick, red tape and barriers that we put up oursleves.

I'm doing that right now, just like how millions of internet users are doing now.

If I hypothetically, 0ne day, decide to visit any kind of website, be it about tuberculosis or a game site or a porn site(that's a bit bad of me, but it's about not caring for boundaries so) I more likely will have not enough time on the net to read everything and do everything.


The sleep's muddling my brain.

There's a point to all of my rambling above, though most likely its a bit messed up.

The world isn't small. It's just our pitiful mind that is.

Small and narrow-minded, that's what humans are.


There really is no point in me bringing up all this, except for the fact my narrow scope of mind has interpreted that I have nothing else left to do online except blog.

So blog it is.

Now allow me to return to my narrow virtual reality.

as i said
it's the lack of sleep

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